Sunday 29 June 2014

Should You Make Waves or Not..? you transmit; so shall you receive...

Imagine that you are kneeling next to a bath tub filled around half full with water...

Place your hand into the water and move it from left to right...

If you move your hand quickly, you cause ripples and splashes- its hard work and soon gets tiring, all you cause is a disturbance in the water...

There is a speed of hand movement, however, that will have the water swooshing to the back and then to the front of the bath in a big wave - still only based on the movement of your hand. This is when the pace, or frequency of movement, of your hand is in resonance with the water in the bath; you are in resonance with the system...

At this frequency of movement, and being in resonance, you will feel comfortable and in control, in fact if you stop pushing, the water will keep momentum and push you back...

When a system is in resonance, it will tend to oscillate (vibrate...) at a greater amplitude (bigger movements...) at a given frequency of input...

People too are both transmitters and receivers of Vibrational energy from the world, people and "systems" around us...

What we choose to resonate, or be in harmony with, is a choice we have and a strategy we can use for achievement, success and happiness...

Negative Vibes...

Imagine someone is displaying or transmitting low frequency or negative energy - they will resonate with other low or negative energies. They will feel comfortable with other people, situations and opportunities whose "systems" resonate at that frequency...

They will attract these people, situations and opportunities to themselves, because as with the water in the bath, the frequencies they transmit they are in harmony with them, they feel comfortable there; and by definition, different frequencies simply don't feel as "comfortable" or attractive so they are avoided...

Positive Vibes...

The same applies to those people transmitting high or positive energy; they will resonate with other high or positive energies. They will attract and feel comfortable as they are in harmony with these different frequencies; they too will attract similar people, situations and opportunities.

In fact, what ever frequency of vibration you are transmitting - anything that is not in resonance with your will feel uncomfortable; we all have people that we somehow don't "resonate" with - of course you don't your on a different frequency...

How to take control...

First - check your own levels of energy. Are you truly a positive person who looks for the good in people and situations...?

Are you honest, open, kind and of high integrity - do you use positive thoughts, phrases and words in your communication...?

Look at what you are currently attracting - the people, situations and opportunities you attract now are a direct consequence of what you are transmitting...

If you want to improve them - improve yourself. Make yourself attractive and resonant with higher levels of energy and you will by consequence attract the same to you.

Second - once you have got your vibrational energy where you need it to be, check for people around you that disturb your harmony. They are on a different frequency to you and, whilst you should respect them for where they are; move away from them or let them go; you need to create space for others...

People of lower vibrational energy are toxic to your happiness and success, do not let them in; as soon as you raise your energy, they will feel the shift and probably leave you alone anyway...

Third - when people, situations and opportunities arise that you feel comfortable with, are in harmony with your vibrational energy; be prepared to take the risk of saying yes, taking the risk of changing and achieving more...

Success doesn't come when you think about it; it comes when you recognise and accept the opportunity that will enable you to achieve it...

Making waves is a very good idea; but only if they are Positive...

Our Next Events - Positive Energy Guaranteed...

We will be Playing the Game of Business "Traders of the Lost Art of Business Success..." at our next Business Growth Workshops...

Come along, bring your team and learn how to build your business, have fun with other like minded Business Owners, Executives and Entrepreneurs...

Click on the LINKS below to find out more and register your place(s)...

Birmingham - Friday 25th July 2014 - LINK

Luxembourg - Friday 1st  August 2014 - LINK

Sunday 8 June 2014

How to make Your business Grow...

In this Blog you'll find the answer to the question "How to make my business grow...?"

Whether your a Start Up or Established there is a simple rule that applies to achieving growth;

It is called the Principle of Dynamic Equilibrium, and once your business achieves it, growth will stop; so our challenge is how to avoid it...

Simply put, when your business loses customers at the same rate as it gains new ones, you are in Dynamic Equilibrium.

Put it another way, the bucket is leaking as fast as you can fill it...!

So, the first step in getting your business back in to growth is to figure out where the opportunity for improvement lies.

Do we need to fix the leak, or do we need a bigger hose...?

Fixing the Leak...

This is the cheapest and easiest place to start, in fact way too many businesses waste huge amounts of time and money on Marketing and Sales, simple because they don't fix the leak first..

What to measure depends on your business, here are some examples...

Martial Arts Business - how many students are you losing each month, in other words what is you attrition rate. If it is over 5% then it's worth spending time on strategies to improve here first.

Retail Business - how long is it between visits from your customers. The dwell or frequency of visit is a key driver of success here. First measure what the numbers are and then look for ways to increase the pace of activity with all customers.

Consulting Business - how long do clients stay with you for...? In business Coaching for example, if your clients are leaving you after 3 months, then there is a huge opportunity for improvement.

What is your innovation program; are you offering obsolete services and products..?

When was the last time you surveyed you customers to find out what they think you could improve...?

How good is your Customer Service...?

Try asking your customers "The Ultimate Question" from the excellent book of the same name by Fred Riechheld, and set a target for your future scores as a Key Performance Indicator of your business.

This approach has the added benefit of keeping your customers coming back, and encouraging them to refer new ones to you; a great way of destroying Dynamic Equilibrium...

Getting a Bigger Hose...

If your Attrition, Retention and Dwell are all under control, then another way (apart from going down the acquisition route...) to grow your business is to attract more customers.

Beware, Marketing and Sales is very inefficient; what I mean is that not all that you do will work, in fact most of what you do may not generate any direct response at all and remember, it's a process not an event...

First, lets be clear on what Marketing and Sales actually are...

Marketing - gets the 'phone to ring, or an enquiry to be made. It may get people in room with you or to attend a meeting. It is simply designed to get Leads...

There are two types of marketing; Above the Line and Below the Line. Basically, ABL is general non-targeted activity, whilst BTL is targeted and directed at a specific niche or sector. 

You will need to do both, but the more BTL strategies you have, the better. Remember in the SME sector we do not have a Brand to promote. We simply have a message and a reputation that we need to get to our target audience, such that they feel compelled to make contact...

Sales - is the process of converting the leads generated from your marketing activity into paying customers. This is the "funnel" or "pinch point" through which all your prospects must pass, and is where, in my experience, there are huge improvements to be made in lots of businesses.

There are plenty of people who are great at what they do. They get Leads from their Marketing team via SEO, Telemarketing or Seminar Invites, but when it comes to converting them to customers it all falls apart...

The conversion rate defines the success of your Marketing and Sales activity.

Leads x Conversion % = # Customers

Being a great Accountant, Martial Artist, Web Designer or Recruiter is simply not enough, the process of conversion has to be based on Value and Benefits, not Price and Attributes.

Getting good at Sales is one of the most effective ways there is to grow your business and maximise the growth potential you have...

Finally, they key to answering the question "how do I grow my business...?" is to understand the factors that are affecting it; don't simply throw money at Marketing if your problem is Customer Service. Don't offer discounts if the problem is Sales and conversion ability.

In fact - don't offer discounts ever...

The trick is to identify what is actually preventing your business from achieving growth, and acting accordingly... 

Would you like some help with your Fixing or Filling your Bucket...?

Drop me a note here to arrange you FREE Business Growth Consultation....

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Success Secrets of Troy Tempest...

...stand by for Action...

For Beatrice..

This Blog is dedicated a lady called Beatrice, whom I have never met or spoken with, but heard a little bit about. When I was told that she was "thinking" about starting her own business - I wondered if I could give her a bit of gentle guidance...
When I was a child - one of my favourite TV programs was Stingray...

Filmed in VideoColor & SuperMarionation, and remembered by a few of the early Generation X readers here, it had all the advice we needed to get ahead and be successful...

You can watch the 1964 Pilot Episode HERE...

The Top Success Tips from Troy Tempest & Stingray;

1. Stand by For Action - not wait around until the time is right for Action...

2. Anything can happen in the next 1/2 hour - be prepared for the unexpected...

3. Good Guys finish first - Troy, Phones and Marina always won...

4. Love Rules OK - in each show Marina and Troy get cosy on a beach..

So why do so many people not heed these lessons...?

There is a medical condition that affects the majority of people, it is called Contingent Action Hypoactivity Syndrome - or CAHS for short...

The condition was extensively studied at the University of Prague during the 2004 under the guidance of Professor Otálení Na Hovno and his team.

The study found that given a set of opportunities or decisions to make, 84.3% of people choose to say no and do nothing.

Another 7.7% of people may make a positive choice to change, but delay taking action until they feel the conditions are better.

And only 8% of people actually say yes, and take immediate action towards the achievement of the opportunity that has been presented to them...

In other words - 92% of the population were suffering from CAHS; the inability to either make a decision at all , deciding to take action and delaying the start point indefinitely. The study found that Fear, Worry, Uncertainty and lack of Confidence were the key drivers of the behaviour.


Relax, a Cure is available...

In his landmark publication "Scared of the D.A.R.K..." Author and Business Coach David Holland, built on the work of Professor Na Hovno and defined a model for achievement that, to date, has been the only cure for severe cases of CAHS...

It is suggested by Holland that most people approach business and life in a structured way.

1. Knowledge - first they get qualified.
2. Resources - then they attempt to accumulate resources.
3. Action - they get busy with life and career.
4. Dream - when it's too late they realise they didn't live the Dream.

This fits well into the original research and serves to define further the symptoms of CAHS...

Furthermore, Holland suggests that the 8% of people who are unaffected by the CAHS syndrome display a significantly different sequence to the same symptoms;

1. Dream - they start with a Vision for themselves...
2. Action - they take action quickly...
3. Resources - trusting they will show up when needed...
4. Knowledge - learning as they go they take risks of failure...

So if you find yourself suffering from a debilitating case of CAHS - simply refer to the D.A.R.K system, and Beatrice; remember not to be scared of it...

For a FREE copy of the Scared of the Dark EBook - email me at 


If you'd like to find out more about working with David, have him Train your Team, speak at your Event or become a Coach yourself and be trained by him; just drop him a message here...
Check out his website at

Sunday 1 June 2014

Why the Rich don't Retire...

...what would they retire from...?

In a 2013 study in the USA it was found that when asked "At what age do you plan to retire..?" around One Third of people with annual earnings of over $750,000 said "over 70" with 15% saying "never..."

Only 6% of those making under $100,000 plan to retire at 70, most planned to retire by 65.

Globally, 60% of those with a net worth of $15 million or more will continue to work "no matter what their age..."

Meanwhile in France...

In 2010 members of the Public and Private sectors a series of General Strikes and Demonstrations were held throughout September and October. They involved union members from both the public and private sectors protesting in Bordeaux, Lille, Paris, Marseilles and Strasbourg.

The strikes led to a national fuel shortage, reduction in public transport services and students barricading 400 high schools to prevent them from opening...

The excuse for this action - raising the statutory age of retirement from 65 to 67...

So why the paradox of the rich retiring later than the poorer...?

Simple - because it's not about the money...

It's about mindset; when you love what you do, why would you retire from it...?

There is a reason a salary is called "compensation" - it is compensating someone for the time they expend in the job they do, and also for taking the fun and enjoyment out of 2000 hours a year they have to be "at work.."

When people don't enjoy what they do - of course they want to retire. They will want more holiday and sickness cover as well - anything to get time away from the job...

Not all jobs are like this of course but in an other study only 13% of employees said that they were "engaged and enjoying..." their work. The rest were disengaged at best with 24% "hating.." their work... 

Not really that surprising that employees want to retire...

Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Solopreneurs don't want to retire - it's just too much fun...

Now, for all those business owners who groaned a my use of the "F.." word, if it wasn't fun on balance you wouldn't do it...

Can you imagine the Queen of England moaning about retirement age, or Keith Richards wanting to join the Ramblers Association...? 

Has Jack Welch stopped working, is Richard Branson looking to potter around and play crown green bowls...?

Do you think that David Bowie who was born in 1947 - ever phones in sick on a Monday, or turn his 'phone off on a Sunday..

Is Warren Buffet, who was born in 1930, protesting about or worrying about the statutory retirement age, or his holiday and sickness entitlement...? 

Of course not...

People may look at them and say "it's OK for them, they are rich and they enjoy what they do..."

In reality of course it is the other way round. They have a passion and talent for what they do, and the riches have come to them because of that; being rich is a by-product of passion driven activity.

It is possible of course to be employed, happy and not retire. Take the case of Morris Miller in the USA who at age 100 is still working for McDonald's; he has been there for 25 years and didn't start until he was 75...!

The formula for being rich, and not wanting to retire - which includes Life Rich, Family Rich, Time Rich and Money Rich is;

(Passion x Talent) + Time = Wealth

Where Passion and Talent are the main drivers, and time is secondary. If you want more Wealth, get more Passionate about your Talent...

The formula for being poor and hoping for retirement including Life Poor, Family Poor, Time Poor and Money Poor is;

Time x Work = Wage

Where the only way to get more Wage is to work longer and harder, time is primary...
If you want more money, do overtime and work weekends...

If you are looking forward to holidays, calling in sick on a Monday and protesting about the retirement age, you haven't found your passion or exercised your talent yet. 

The Rich don't retire because they can't, they are what they do. Work Life Balance does not compute; they are one and the same. Retiring from one means retiring from the other. 

The quickest way to cure 94% of all known illnesses, colds, flu and headaches is to own your own business...

Find your talent, release your passion and follow your dream. If you can do that within  your job like Morris Miller then good for you, make it your life's work and it becomes play, and playtime should never end.


If you'd like to find out more about working with David, have him Train your Team, speak at your Event or become a Coach yourself and be trained by him; just drop him a message here - or use his personal email
Check out his website at